2022 XC60 Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced2022 XC60 Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced


Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
Volvo  Recharge Inscription Bowers | Advanced
21 Pictures

Price disclaimer: Sales taxes, license and other fees are not included in the prices shown. Mileage recorded at time of listing.
Notice: cpo.volvocars.ca attempts to update retailer inventory on a daily basis, however, neither Volvo nor retailer can guarantee that the inventory shown will be available at the showroom. We make every effort to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-the-minute information however it is your responsibility to verify with your retailer that the details are correct. We cannot be responsible for typographical and other errors, including data transmission or software errors that may appear on the site. If the posted price, incentive, offer or other service is incorrect due to typographical error your local retailer is only responsible to honour the correct price, incentive or offer.
Mileage disclaimer: Actual rating will vary with options, driving conditions, habits and vehicle condition.

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30,794 km
Exterior colour
Onyx Black Metallic
Stock number

Vehicle equipment
Plug-in Hybrid! Loaded with a ton of great features! Advanced - Head-up display - Driver assistance - 360° camera - Advanced air cleaner PM 2.5 Climate - Headlight cleaning - Heated rear seats - Heated steering wheel - Protection Package - Bumper Cover - Bowers & Wilkins audio system - Cargo Cover - 20″ 5-Y Spoke Graphite Diamond Cut - Metallic Paint - Front & Rear Mud Flaps - Load Bars - Front seat massage Experience is Everything at Volvo Cars Winnipeg. We strive to give you a seamless experience, whether you are shopping for a vehicle, or allowing our professional parts and service teams to assist with caring for one. Providing you best-in-class experience is truly everything for us.   With extremely high reconditioning standards and a well-trained staff you can rest easy knowing we are here to answer any questions you may have!   Enjoy our exclusive benefits, including personalized pick-up/drop off services, low finance rates, extended warranties, and dedicated factory-trained Volvo technicians.   Configure and customize your purchase today at www.volvocarswinnipeg.com!   Ph: 204-452-0756 Dealer Permit #5564 Dealer permit #5564 #24
Garage Door Transmitter,Dual Zone Front Automatic Air Conditioning,Speed Sensitive Rain Detecting Variable Intermittent Wipers w/Heated Wiper Park,Full-Time All-Wheel Drive,Low Tire Pressure Warning,Airbag Occupancy Sensor,Driver Knee Airbag,Front And Rear Parking Sensors,Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Seat-Mounted Side Airbags,Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Front Airbags,Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Front Airbags,Curtain 1st And 2nd Row Airbags,Curtain 1st And 2nd Row Airbags,Rear Child Safety Locks,Blind Spot,Care Key,Collision Mitigation-Front,Driver Monitoring-Alert,Collision Mitigation-Rear
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